Which one shocked you the most? I have to say vaccinations and circumcisions shocked me the most, I thought the only way you couldn't get them had to be religious or medical reasons.Did you know there were so many debates on parenting before Y!A?
Yes, I knew it because I am on CafeMom. It gets way uglier on there about those kinds of topics. Yahoo answers is mild compared to CafeMom :)Did you know there were so many debates on parenting before Y!A?
I had no idea %26amp; I am with you that vaccinations %26amp; circumcisions shocked me the most to... I do both %26amp; never thought twice about them, but I can almost get a visual picture of veins popping out people heads when they go back %26amp; forth about the subjects.
Omg...cafemom is so much worst than Y!A =) But no, I didn't know there were so many debates about parenting. I was surprised at how passionate some people were about vaccinating. I thought that was just a given O_o Also circumcision. In the states, it's pretty uncommon to find an un circumcised male, so I had no idea people were so passionate about it. I thought that was just a given too =)
No, I had no idea. Honestly, circumcision surprised me the most. In all my 27 years I had never seen such an opposition. I always thought it was something people just did automatically when they had a boy. I live in the south, and the definite majority of baby boys are circumcised here, so I never realized that in other parts of the country there was opposition.
I think every mother has their own opinions %26amp; people shoudnt judge them for that.
I have a 4%26amp;half month old son, ım orıgınally from the UK but ı lıve ın a muslim country %26amp; my husband %26amp; baby are both muslım.
I had my baby circumcised for thıs reason %26amp; ı dont regret ıt.
As for breastfeedıng ıts a mother choıce whether she breastfeeds or not - formular ıs NOT bad for a baby, they are stıll happy %26amp; full up on formular ıts just that breastmılk ıs better - ı wanted to fully breastfeed but my son was underweıght %26amp; dıdnt have the energy so he had breastmılk %26amp; formular, ı only breast fed ın publıc on the plane %26amp; ı put a blanket over me so no 1 saw anythıng but ı dont thınk there ıs nothıng wrong wıth breastfeedıng ın publıc ıts not dırty or dısgustıng ıts natural.
%26amp; for vaccinations ın the UK these are VERY ımportant so ı made sure my son has all hıs vaccinations.
Humans are the only creature with the ability to go against what thousands of year of evolution or design has come up with, pick your belief between the two.
We think that removing parts of the body makes improvement based on rationalization and tradition or whims. We do this with all aspect of nature and balance and lay a heavy price on many species, as well as damaging our best possible Loving experience and the best well being of our children. We cut off our noses to spite our faces and only see the superficial consequences instead of the total picture, We distort reality for our fancies and refuse to see other than what we insist, through pleasing our biases.
Circumcision in America resulted from perverted prudery of Queen Victoria trying to hinder or prevent boy and male masturbation by pushing circumcision, also with the hopes of degrading the adult male experience. With the experience for the male degraded, the hope was that they would desire less sex by finding it less rewarding.
Kellogg pushed it a step with his cohorts declaring that circumcision was the cure for mental illness, epilepsy, stuttering and would even prevent blindness. America picked these up and has damaged boys for years while Europe dumped the nonsense many promoters of circumcision still try to come up with justification for removing this body part. America also had Salem with hunts and witch dunking like the dark ages of superstition and Voodoo. Male circumcision falls into this forest.
Baby formula became a desire during and following the second world war when mothers found it necessary to work in the factories to keep their families going while Dad was away at ware. With the found increase in standard, or I should say material benefits, many mothers wish to continue in the work forces. Formula makes that possible, as cow milk alone is inadequate for the nutritional needs of a human baby.
Homes may have more material possessions and technology because of baby formula, but are the occupants of the hopes happy, in Love with each other and at peace?
We are misfits and we choose to go contrary to the grains of what time or design has gained and on the overall jeopardize our very existence and that of other creatures. I forgot, ';we are intelligent and know how to make things better';.
Me! :- )
Circumcision shocks the victim of it much more than it would shock you.
I had circumcision forced on me as an infant, which in my case destroyed more than the usual 50-75% of sexual sensitivity.
I didn't know what was wrong with me for years, until I finally found out about foreskin restoration, which has vastly improved my sexual sensitivity and function, although it won't repair the permanent neural and vascular damage that is circumcision.
Too many males have suffered in silence as a result of the mutilation forced on them by ignorant parents and greedy doctors.
Males are reticent to even admit that there is something wrong with their genitals, and since the scourge of circumcision was so widespread in the USA, not many gave much thought about what had actually been done to them.
Doctors do not disclose and in fact suppress the adverse effects and complications that result from male genital mutilation, called circumcision. They make money from it and many are highly biased because they belong to the religions that try to impose circumcision
on all males.
How would you like to have been a victim of female circumcision as an infant? To have your own genitals mutilated and scarred for life, and to be deprived of much, if not all, of your sexual sensitivity?
I doubt that you would feel very kindly towards those who mutilated you.
Circumcision is cruel, barbaric, and it is child abuse.
What's so hard to understand about mutilating babies being wrong?
It doesn't take very much intelligence to understand that an undamaged penis feels and functions better than one damaged by circumcision. But we Americans appear to be very gullible, believing the old wive's tales and outright lies about the so-called benefits of male genital mutilation.
Circumcision is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on the male sex.
A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.
I didn't realise vaccinations was such a big debate. I knew it was a personal choice but I'v seen some people get really nasty on here. I certainly didn't know breastfeeding was worth all the crap on here about it. Circumcision has never been a huge issue for us as we're British (the huge majority are intact and circumcision is rarely discussed) and because I only have girls.
ETA - Ah yes, breastfeeding in public. I admit I have had some *looks* but I genuinely didn't know how disgusting some people find it - certainly not to the point they feel the need to post about it on an international public site.
I had NOOO Idea.
I thought that if you chose to breastfeed or formula feed didnt matter and that as long as your child was fed it was you choice and so many women get bashed on here and its not right.
I dont do circumcision but it was a personal choice I didnt know that it was so controversial.
I thought almost everyone vaccinated..because with all my friends/family that I have around here its just what you do!
Starting solids before 6 months...doctors around here recommend cereal at 4 months its even in the literature I got at the hospital and its what everyone I know did...so I didnt know it was such a touchy issue.
Oh Ama dun or whatever. SHOVE IT. there I said it. get off your high trolling horse.
Actually, before I had a baby I thought you had to have your child vaccinated as well. After doing my own research, however, I chose to vaccinate anyway. I also didn't know that there were risks with using formula. I assumed because so many people used it that it was completely safe.
The circumcision one surprised me too. I thought the same thing about it. Ear piercing debate was a surprise too. Every time I see a question about it it is very heated.
The breastfeeding in public debate is by far the most ridiculous debate I've heard on here!!
There are a lot. I can't believe people debate whether or not breast feeding in public is appropriate. I always thought as long as you tried to be modest then no one cared.
Lately I have been seeing a lot about piercing your baby's ears.
Parenting is like many other subjects that most people don't agree on. The most shocking for me is the breastfeeding in public. I can't believe how many people out there just feel it is wrong and a mother should go hide.
I was surprised at the opposition to circumcision. Obviously not everyone does it, but all my family/friends who have boys had them done.
the most shocking was that someone would spend so much time debating over whether or not a $5 bag of clothes was a good deal. agonizing decision, really...
mine is the breastfeeding. i had no idea so many women would be so mad at someone for bottle feeding... its a bit pitiful to me
Some of the debates surprised me as well. I hadn't been aware that the formula / breastfeeding thing caused so much tension. Personally I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I have nothing against mothers who choose to formula feed.
The vaccination thing surprised me as well, as did a few issues regarding adoption.
The circumcision thing shocked me the most, but in the opposite way that most of the answerers so far have been saying. I was stunned (wait, not stunned, revolted) at the amount of people FOR circumcision. I live in Canada were there is a low circumcision rate, and I'd always known that the USA had a much higher rate, but it was still surprising.
I guess it's because I can't understand how why oh why chopping off a very functional part of the body containing 20,000 nerve endings and the majority of your son's penile skin can be a good thing. It is completely unnecessary and has benefits so exceptionally minimal that they are outweighed by the risk of complications. Not to mention that circumcision always reduces sexual sensitivity (did you know that the foreskin contains the five most pleasurable parts of the penis? Circumcision removes all of them) and really should be the boy's choice for his own body. I know so many guys who resent their parents for getting them circumcised.
The high majority of the world understands the above. 85% of men worldwide are intact (and doing just fine, I might add!) Male circumcision is even illegal in a few countries. It's just the USA that seems to have a problem grasping the fact that circumcision is a brutal tradition that needs to end ASAP. It's horrific on our daughters, but fine on our sons? Hmm...
I didn't realize people could be so rude about so much when it comes to parenting. I come on here to ask for peoples advice on certain things. Instead of getting their advice I will get ugly comments and opinions about what they believe is better/worse for children. Everyone has their opinion and that is fine. I don't try to push my opinion on anyone.
Breastfeeding is a great thing. I just chose to personally not do for my own reasons.
Circumcision I believe is a great thing. I would have it done if I had a son.
I do believe in immunizations.
I find that ear piercing is a huge issue when it comes to young babies.
All my friends/family who have boys have had them circumcised- all say for health reasons.
And as far as vaccinations, I've never heard of that being for religious purposes??? I thought it was for the health and safety of the child? I vaccinate my Daughter, and I'm not jewish.
And to add, if I had a boy, I would circumcise him.
agreed. i thought circumcision was for ever boy except jewish boys
i cant believe ppl actually feed formula and not breastmilk and actually they think it is a debate. it's not a debate. it's fact that formula isnt good for the baby