Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is Attachment Parenting?

I have done internet research and book reading on the subject (we did some attachment parenting including breastfeeding and holding baby when he cried, etc. although we didn't co-sleep), but I'd be interested in hearing some of the mommies own versions of what it is... and why is it so popular these days?

I'm just curious of some of your experiences so I'm better equiped with knowledge for when we have our next babe.

Thanks!What is Attachment Parenting?
I've read about this before. Apparently, I've doing it naturally for months now. You just respond to your baby right away as soon as crying starts. You hold your baby often. You sleep next to your baby and your husband. You breast feed though you can bottle feed. I chose to do the first. You carry your baby with you whereever you go. You hug and kiss your baby often. You just listen to your instincts and then don't question them. I did that and I am glad I did. I have also decided to delay vaccines.What is Attachment Parenting?
For me attachment parenting is being there whenever they need me. If she is crying- it has to be for a reason, and i'm there to comfort her. We also co-sleep, i breastfed her up until just recently. to me it is going with you gut instinct, because i didn't really ever say i was going to do attachment parenting, it was just all in my instinct. Then the more i heard about it after my baby was born, i figured well...i guess i'm the attachment type of parent.

My baby is a very happy baby....anyone who is ever around her always notices how happy she is, and i think being a calm parent helps, and she knows we are there for her. i don't use any 'let them cry it out' methods only because it hurts me to hear it, but i don't judge anyone for doing...all babies are different.

My little girl is 7 months and very content :) she can fall asleep on her own, crawl, and babble talk and our experience with attachment parenting has been wonderful- you just go with your instincts.
In my opinoin, attachement parenting is holding/comforting my baby as often as possible. I do not believe in self soothing or crying it out. I answer to her whenever she shows discomfort. I think it means being extremely attentive and nurturing.
for me attachment parenting is following my instinct, responding to baby' need as soon as i can, keeping them close, not letting then cry unnecessarily, being there when they need me, providing the best that i can at any given time.
Well this site has wonderfully answered the types of parenting like authoritative negligent and even attachment parenting.Go through this site and find all your queries answered.

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