Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you agree with this parenting style?

It's where instead of punishing your child for bad behavior, you basically leave them alone and they either wear themselves out or just stop on their own.

What do you think of this?

If your a parent who dose this please do not be offended as this is not to attack your parenting style. I would just like you to explain how it goes and why you chose this route rather than punishing your child.

No rudeness please. thank you : )Do you agree with this parenting style?
If the world would just sit back and wait for us to have our moments and be completely out of control turds then it would be a wonderful parenting technique.

however, the people who become actual functional successful adults tend to be self controlled and self disciplined. Something that does NOT just happen in children, its created.

I have delt with so many kids raised in this way, and it drives me absolutely insane, they are horrible and impossible.

We dont parent that way, and we have the sweetest most concerned and well behaved toddler I have yet to come across. its not just my opinion, we get compliments from other parents quite often.Do you agree with this parenting style?
I looked at the answers %26amp; these parents are talking about ignoring tantrums. There are other ways to deal with %26amp; prevent tantrums. They should all have a look at this page.…

Tantrums should be ignored ONLY if it was throw to get attention.

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I think in public they shouldnt do it, but in there own home it can work.

Most of the time when children act out they do it because they like the attention. When your kid is misbehaving you give them attention, when they behave you dont disturb them incase they start misbehaving.

So your basicly rewarding bad behaviour with your attention and ignoring good behaviour. But it doesnt work in all situations.

For this method to be affective the parent must explain to the child that they do not like this behaviour and why and then dont give them any attention.

And when the child is behaving (even just sitting watching tv/reading quietly) the parent should praise them for behaving so well.
no i don't agree with it. i find it as a form of lazy parenting. part of the responsibility of being a parent is correcting your children. i have a neighbor that uses this form of parenting. her kids are 5 and 9. the 9 year old isn't so bad but her five year old son kicks her in the stomach, calls her the b word, punched his sister in the face and most recently beat my best friends little girl while she had a broken collar bone. I find that such a form of parenting is just going to let your children down as well as make people think you are a bad parent. Now thats not to be offensive to people who do correct their children when they act like that and don't use a form of punishment because it's totally different. These people use no form of punishment or other form of correcting this kid. And them and parents like them are going to get a big kick in the butt when society catches up to them. By the way, parents can get arrested for their childs behavior no matter what age. Especially when they let their child beat others.
it depends on what they are doing if it is something that can cause them to harm themselves or others then I put a stop to it, timeout distraction, again depends on the time and the age. ..

Now for temper tanturms, I'm the type to ingore them, even if it is out in public. With my two (the 10 year has grown out of this and is the queen of pouting now) but the 19 month old has just started it. If I am out shopping, I don't have time to leave and come back b/c my kids decided to do a screaming banshee act b/c I won't buy whatever. I will ingore her and let her scream her little head off while I get what I need. my shedule is to tight to let her dictate to me, when we leave the store. I did this with my first one and the ingore her works the more attention she got when she was in the midst of one the worst and longer it would be. Lettin them scream is annoying but it doens't hurt anything.
Like if a child (1-4) is throwing a temper tantrum you let them wear themselves out? yes

I know ppl who do this but they don't do that in the place of punishment. Children throw tantrums to get attention and by taking the attention away from them they have no reason to continue. then you explain that that's not how you get what you want, you have to ask for it. It shows them how they go about doing things the right way

i will do this at home idk about public i would probably take them somewhere private so as not to disturb other ppl.
The age of the child you are talking about would be important. As young kids under 5 YES i let my kids have fits i ignored them till they quit. I choose this because I am a nurse I do have some child development knowledge. It is healthy and normal to allow a young toddler to work out their anger. You are fighting a losing battle to reason with a 2 year old. In addition, there are some specific things that you can do during a tantrum to help. When your toddler is throwing a temper tantrum, you can ignore the behavior. Listen to what she’s saying, but don’t reward it with a response. Avoid making eye contact with the child who is having a temper tantrum. If it is necessary, remove the toddler physically from the situation. If your child is having a mild tantrum, you may be able to redirect his interest to something else before the tantrum gets too intense. Above all, you should not give in to demands that your toddler makes during a tantrum, even if they are reasonable. Later, when she has settled down, you can help her out. Also, be generous with praise when your toddler is not throwing a tantrum. Over 5 should not be ignored the behavior neeeds addressd right away!
You mean, basically let the child get away with the bad behavior and hope they turn out for the best?

All children need to be taught right from wrong and learn about consequences. My daughter has never learned anything from being ';ignored';. Quite the contrary, she continued on with the behavior.
Every child reacts differently to punishment. Personally I feel if it works for your child, be my guest. It doesn't really matter if other parents think it right, or agree with what you choose. What matters is that you are doing something to try to make your child the best person they can be.
I wouldn't let my child act put without acknowledging the behavior. Children learn by being taught. If you don't show them what is and is not appropriate they won't learn. I know what those types of parents are trying to accomplish, I just don't agree with it myself.
If they sit alone, they don't get very punished because they may enjoy being able to play on the computer and do things alone.

You should take a more regretful (to them) approach. Something more like taking something away from them or not letting them do something they really want to do.
The devil is in the details.

Whereas, it is appropriate to ignore a tantruming child and walk away from him,

it is not appropriate to ignore a teen using drugs, hoping they will wear themselves out or just stop on their own.
I had a friend who practiced this method with her son. I met her when our sons were in the same kindergarten class. We went our separate ways, but our boys are now in 5th grade. Ran into her at the store the other day. She's still having the same problems with him as she was 5 years ago.
Nope, I wouldn't do that. Kids learn by being talked to, and facing the consequences, not being left alone to work it out by their selves (Age matters though in this situation).
It depends on the situation.


It IS ok to ignore a child who is throwing a small tantrum. But it's NOT ok to ignore failing grades, ect.
That's not parenting. Hell, that's not even babysitting.

I do not agree with this method at all.

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