Sunday, May 9, 2010

What do you think of gay parenting/adoption?

Do you agree or disagree with the topic. Should gay men and lesbians have or adopt children? Whether this be by insemination or going down the channels of adoption.What do you think of gay parenting/adoption?
I think children deserve loving homes, period.What do you think of gay parenting/adoption?
Its stupid!!
i think that if a child is ging to be loved, cared for and to be given the best chance in life it doesnt matter if they have 2 mums or 2 dads!!
I Think As Long As You And Your Guy/Girl Love And Care For The Child It Shouldnt Matter
A child deserves a loving caring mother/father and a home, so a home with someone who is gay/bi is better than nothing and they will be brought into the world not to be prejudice which is even better.
Why not if they are great parents. Stright people can have kids and be bad parents , and there is not a problems with that
No doubt they can be loving parents,

but its not normal,is it, when you have two males or females kissing and cuddling, how on earth can you say or educate your child to believing that this is the normal practise of today's world,

what happens when he/she goes to school,the child's head will be

a bag of mince,and don't try to hide behind this so called political correctness,this is a child's life we are talking about,

I have nothing against these people, but don't fill me full of bull s### and tell me its normal.

there is no doubt some of them out there that would make better mothers or fathers than some that i know .

but what would happen to this little person when he/she got older

will they turn out to be homosexual or lesbian both.and will this be of there own design or have they been led a stray or steered in the wrong direction?

by some one that's by-est??

there are many issues here , but the main one is will the child have a {normal} upbringing.

new stuff.

you keep talking about discrimination? what you really mean is that 99% of the public does not agree with you, so you call it discrimination.

rather immature or politicaly correct.

But that's my opinion and you have yours?.

or you could call that discrimination.??
I think this is really sad. Many people think that children need both a mom and a dad. And I have to lean in that direction. However gays and lesbians can be wonderful parents. The bottom line in my opinion is that I would not deny a child a loving home no matter what.
agree entirely with papricka well said!!! am married with 2 sons and children just want love and to feel safe if gay and les couples can provide that then they shouldnt be stopped (soppy for a guy i know but my friend gay and he waited for years it was ridiculous!!!)
if god had wanted this to happen he would have put Adam and Steve, Eve and madame. sorry i don't agree with it at all. gay people of today want to be treated like normal, so why do they have their own bars, their own clubs and such alike. is that normal?
I'm absolutely in favour. Other than prejudice, there is nothing to claim that children born to a gay couple are going to be any worse than children born to a straight couple. Not even the chances of this child becoming gay are any different. And these children's values, roles, etc. are not affected either by the fact that they have two mothers or two fathers. Of course they are more discriminated against by society, but that's society's problem and it is society that has to change. I know there must be lousy homosexual parents out there, just as there are lousy straight parents, too. But they're not lousy BECAUSE they're gays or lesbians. They're lousy AND BESIDES they happen to be gays or lesbians.
If they are loved, nurtured and stimulated to grow into well adjusted individuals - just thank the parents. Does it REALLY matter that it is not a ';conventional'; couple who raised them?
There are so many unwanted children in this world. If a gay couple can give them love, security, I see no wrong in it.

A child needs a good home love comfortable.
children deserve to have a loving family, and i think that gay parents can give them that just sas much as heteroxeual parents. i absolutely support gay couples adopting children.
They definitely should! Anyone should be aloud be a parent no matter if they are homo, hetro or bi! And it is natural; there are a startling amount of gay penguin couples. In, zoos, if they find out two penguins are gay, they very often take an egg from the hetro penguins and give it to them!!!!!!
it deosnt matter who are what adopts them as long as they have a home!!
I think it's wonderful. Especially the adoption! There are thousands upon thousands of children in this world who are desperate for homes and who live in conditions we can't even fathom. If a gay couple can provide a child or several children with love, stability, and provide for all their needs....THEN GOOD FOR THEM!!! I say let them open their hearts and homes. If I could adopt with my partner I would. However, we are both in financial straits righ now and this is not feesible.
i think that they should be allowed and i totally support it.

just because someone is gay it doesnt mean they cant love a child, theres nothing wrong with it, yes the child may get teased at school by narrow minded children, but if the kid is trully loved it doesnt matter....

several single people have children and neglect them, whether it be from problems or simply an unwanted pregnancy, if gay people want kids then its obvious they do want them and will care for them unconditionally as it isnt that case of an accidental pregnancy.

i personally dont see anything wrong with it and im a straight single mum, and all this talk of a lack of father/mother figure is poo as my neice lacks a father figure but does that mean she's doomed? no. as long as there are people loving the child nothing else should matter

and i will now step off of my soapbox. *bows*
The reason why I think gays and lesbians are here is population control.

It does not mean they can't help and adopt. Gay men for example often make great kids presenters...

Plus kids rebel... more likly straight.

Plus there are so many more stright peadophiles if thats what you are thinking and many of them priests and nuns

What matters is you make good, and loving parents who prepare kids to meet the world...

dont matter if gay or straight other then the kid may be more open minded and have a better idea whats right and wrong with the gays seeing the grief they get
I think that homosexuals, men and women, should have the same rights as heterosexuals. Gay men should be aloud to adopt, there are plenty of children in this world that straight people don't want. And lesbians should be aloud to have artificial insemination or adopt. People say that children need both a mom and a dad, but I think as long as they are loved and taught about straight relationships, then everything will be fine.
there are so many straight parents out there that treat there kids like crap you only have to walk down the high street on a sat to see parents screaming at there kids and hitting them for no reason if a child can be offered a safe loving and secure home bu 2 people does it matter what sex they are really?
There are so many kids out there screaming out for good a loving Family if a couple can deliver and provide a good,loving home why not! My friend had 2 daughters to a man who much rather be clubbing and putting hands up other girls skirts,he then lost his job because he couldnot handle his charlie habbit,then turned to dealing it to pay for it ending him a 5 year sentence! My friend lost the house and nearly the kids.We helped her through and out of the blue a year on she tells me she is gay! Talk about sh*t a brick,she said she had always knew this but thought it wrong and she could feel NORMAL by being with this man!! She has now been in a relationship for nearly 2 years the change in her is unreal!! This can also be seen in her Girls too! The youngest one had been pulling her own hair out and trying to hurt herself all this has now stoped and the oldest one now loves to be in her own home with ';her family'; as she puts it instead of wanting to stay at my house!!When I see things like this I feel in my heart gay couples have got the same rights to be parents as anycouple! good luck to them!
Many gay men and lesbians already have children. It does not always have to be by insemination or adoption.

Gay parenting is not really any worse or better than any other sort of parenting, except for the fact that a gay couple have to think long and hard about having a child - sometimes non-gay parents just happen.

The more adults a child has interested in its welfare and there to care for and about it, the better, regardless of the sexuality or gender of those people.
The gay couples I know who have raised their own children, adopted, or been foster parents have been wonderful parents.

One couple, R %26amp; S, raised S's three children after his ex-wife was sent to prison for life. They have also adopted another child. The children are all nominally well-adjusted for having a mother in prison, and all heterosexual, as well.

The foster parents I know took in a gay teen whose own family had not only kicked him out, but beaten him to a bloody pulp as well, just for being gay. They are now putting him through law school. He still sees his biological family, but they don't want to be around him. I'm so glad he found a loving home.
Does it really matter if the people wanting to adopt are straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual.

A persons sexuality, race or religion should have nothing to do with if they are the right people to adopt or not.

As long as they can provide the child with a loving, caring and stable environment in which to be raised in, I don't see any problems.
Any kid who gets a loving family is a lucky kid.
Mom and dad roles have been melded by society over the ages. So it is society's belief that a child needs both a male and a female parent. But this is totally wrong because two guys or two girls could parent as well as a guy and a girl. If all the components necessary (love, teaching, all the other things needed to raise children) were found in the couple, then of course they could rasie the child just as well as a straight couple could.

The only problem is society. Of course the child will grow up a harder life becuase of what everyone else will have to say about the child's parents. It would require a balance of teaching the child about what it means to have two same sex parents but yet, not too much that the child, at an age not mature enough yet, could handle. There is also the factor of bullies and religion telling the child that their parents are wrong and such

It is all up to the parents and whether they can make the extra struggle to put up with all this discrimination and feel that they would be able to teach their child moral and values against most of what the world says.
I think so!!!!!!!! if a mom and dad can do it then why would it be n e differant than two people of the same sex raising a child!
I'm gay and I would like to adopt a baby boy a day
some people think it messes with the kid and that it will turn out gay to but that's totally wrong. i am going to be a new mom in November with my girlfriend and we are going to raise it like everyone would raise their kid, with love. i know people that has gay parents and they turned out great. 4.0 students who made a difference. it all determines how the baby is raised. some kid that have a mom and dad end up in jail and stuff it don't matter who your parents are it depends on there love
as long as the people involved in the adoption/ birth of the child are loving and in a commited relationship, have good values and can care for the child, then it shouldn't matted if they are a hetero- or homosexual couple. It's all about love

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