Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I just asked a question regarding ';parenting crimes'; and to be quite honest...?

I am pretty disgusted with some of the answers I received. I thought you people were way better parents than that... Just kidding, lol!

Is there any ';parenting crime'; that you consider inexcusable and would be appalled to find out someone had committed it?I just asked a question regarding ';parenting crimes'; and to be quite honest...?
I'm sorry - but after reviewing the answers to that question, I will no longer allow myself to associate with the likes of you so-called 'moms'. I'm appalled...

LOL :)I just asked a question regarding ';parenting crimes'; and to be quite honest...?
I think neglect.

Almost everything else is a matter of scale. I mean, it's not inexcusable to take your eyes off your small child for five seconds. It is if it's five hours. It won't kill them to have junk food occasionally...but it's inexcusable to give it to them for every meal. The world won't end if your child doesn't get a bath every night, but it's appalling if they don't get one for a month. And so on.

It's not enough to be in the home. You have to be interactive with your child. As soon as I pick her up I'm asking what happened in school that day. I take her shopping and consult her on the choices. What does she want for lunches? Would she like to try this granola bar, or a new cereal. We go home and I'm helping with the homework, or we're playing a game together. After teeth are brushed we have tickle time and cuddle time, and I do the voices for her dollies.

I see well fed, well dressed neglected kids all the time.
Leaving your child unattended. Even if it is just for a minute and you didn't go far, I don't think there is an excuse for that. You would not believe how many parents I've met who actually admit to doing it as an anecdote.
People who expect others to care for their child.

If you are at a gathering of any sort, and you try to 'pawn' your child off on every unsuspecting person that comes along, you need to rethink your role as a mother or father.

I know a few people like this!
Going off or hitting a child because the parent is stressed. And all the people who go that's ok, everybody does it.
Being boring and unwilling to let your kid express himself in any way other than what you want.

I like the way you think too ;)
Leaving your child unattended.
Smacking a child across the face.

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