Thursday, January 21, 2010

Despite its positive aspects, has the feminist movement led to decreased wages and deficient parenting?

- Increased supply of workers

- Materialistic dual income familiesDespite its positive aspects, has the feminist movement led to decreased wages and deficient parenting?
The reason it's become ';virtually impossible'; to make it on one income is because the market was flooded by women who were willing to take jobs that paid crap, with crap benefits, and killed the unions.

So yes, junior has to go to daycare where workers get $8 an hour to pay no attention to him so mommy can go chase some bucks, then come home too tired to give a crap about the kid, but dammit, she has a nice new car and new clothes.

The message was taken all wrong. It was ladies, you have a choice! It was taken as ladies, you can have it all! BS. No one can have it all.

Take a look around, how well has that worked out. You can't have two jobs and give wither one 100%.

What would fix the economy? 1/2 the workforce going home. Wages and benefits would improve exponentially. Supply and demand.Despite its positive aspects, has the feminist movement led to decreased wages and deficient parenting?
One possible contributor the phenomenon of falling real wages is increased labor supply due to women abandoning traditional roles to enter the workforce. I haven't heard a good estimate of the degree to which it's true.

The second point is also a matter of one contributing factor. The proliferation of single-parent families is also a major issue, and one not driven solely by the feminist agenda.
Hard to say.

I think the effects of doubling the household income caused more issues than increasing the supply of workers. It wasn't like companies were firing half their workers or doubling the workers without increasing productivity....It could've possibly suppressed wages, but to what effect? Thats just less profit for the need people to spend. What it did do was make it very difficult for the average family to be raised on one income. Instead of having one person who works bringing in $50K (in today's money) to raise a family on, we know have cost models based on two incomes totaling somewhere between $80-90K per household (two workers).

What it did was cause hyper-inflation. Cost models were now factored on the increased median household income and soon singe-income homes were priced into two-income homes.


Materialistic dual income families.....first off, there is no basis in the claim that two income households are more materialistic than one-income households. This is just a guess.

What is true is that with both parents out of the house while kids are at school has created a situation where families are more dependent on schools to teach more than what was traditionally taught at schools (3-r's, etc) and focus more on self-esteem building, after-school programs, value and morals, etc. Things that many disagree on but with both parents working, tends to get looked past in the rush of daily activity.

I think deficient parenting is something that can be attributed to dual-income households, but even then its really on the individual. I know families where one of the parents stays home and they are awful parents, I know families where both parents jobs and one is always gone...yet they are great parents.

Decreased Wages? Not hardly. But you can attribute inflation to this phenomenon.
You have a good point there. The the wages have risen in this country, so I have to dispute the decreased wages. The deficient parenting is painfully obvious.
It's vitually impossible to finacially survive on one income. The feminist movement doesn't have anything to do with that.
Don't list to JDW.

Fact is, prior to the womens movement families could do just that....Survive on one salary.

I also know this:

Women are not living as long past their husbands passing as they used to.

There are more cases of female depression than before and their suicides are up.

Many women who ';wanted it all'; are now regretting that they chased the limelight and the $$$....As they get older, they miss having a child. Those that choose to do so into their 50's are having children with a higher percentageof Autism than younger women.

You be the judge
I think leaving our kids after school at daycare's with teenagers making minimum wage who are more concerned about who is going to prom with whom rather than what Billy and Suzy are doing under the slide is a pretty big problem too. BUT I'm all for the right of women to gain equal pay for equal performance. It is just sad that we cannot trust the people with whom we leave our children when we do work.
Deficient parenting is caused by the fact that people want more money to buy big fancy houses and cars that they really can't afford but look good to their friends. If Americans weren't so greedy with money then they would have more time to spend with their families because their work week would be shorter. It is true that wages do decrease when there are more people in the job field, but there are so many fields that desperately need people. Those are the fields that the next generation will get the education for and then the wages will decrease because there will be too many people, that's just what happens. I don't think the feminist movement caused this, I think greedy Americans who suddenly had more money caused this. Money can't buy everything, but many Americans believe it can.
Why would it? A man can just as easily stay home and raise the children.
HA! the deficient parenting is caused by the disgusting nature of americans and the current american culture.
It's led to a lot of things. The ones that stand out to me are the way that men and women relate to eachother in our modern society, and the crumbling of the family unit, which is the basic building block of society.

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