Thursday, May 13, 2010

Should all parents be forced to take parenting classes?

Yes. I think that some parents should have to apply for a liscense to have children also. Some parents...Should all parents be forced to take parenting classes?
Forced? No. Encouraged? Yes. I think that as part of the birthing class process all mothers should be introduced to parenting classes. I also think anyone who has a run in with Child Protective Services should also be made by law to take parenting classes.

However, I don't think all parents need them. My best friend is the most amazing mother I've ever met and she never took a parenting class. However, she did a lot of reading prior to her daughter's birth and has subscriptions to parenting magazines that help give her ideas on how to improve her parenting style. So it depends on each person but I think all parents and parents-to-be should be encouraged to take a parenting class.Should all parents be forced to take parenting classes?
Absolutely. At the very least, at the well-child check ups they should go over child safety and check for signs of abuse and talk about healthy eating habits.

Our hospital was wonderful when I gave birth. They had an *optional* 2 hour parenting class on infant safety and they offered free CPR classes. They talk about the dangers of shaken baby syndrome and how often to feed an infant to umbilical cord care etc etc. I LOVED all the info I got and shared it with everyone.

I believe that class should be mandatory before leaving the hospital. There are so many idiots out there that don't know that a baby needs burped. On the other side, there are so many new parents that could benefit from some tips and information.

parenting classes couldn't hurt!
They shouldn't be forced,they should be encouraged to take parenting classes.I personally think it should be given in High School.It should be provided to people, that have little experience on taking care of small children too.They should have licenses in order to have children for some people.Some people just don't know what they're doing and are just careless with kids.
Of course! just for the common knowledge at least! learn some simple Supernanny tricks, whether they are used or not is up to the parent. maybe some Child CPR and First Aid, most parents don't know the basic knowledge of that, which is sad. Also the first timers should know what to expect at a certain point.. even though their Pediatrician will tell them, it'd be nice if they knew before hand.

Although there are many parents out there who did a wonderful job with no parenting classes, it still might have been a little helpful for them.

I'm only 18, but I plan on 7 kids. I'm definitely taking parenting classes on my 1st and maybe 5th child.

(: Merry Christmas..

oh sorry I didn't read the question, I don't think it should be forced, but strongly recommended to the new parents. but maybe forced to those who have had CPS called on them.. if it's not mandatory already...

I also agree with everything ';Smile'; said
My husband and I did because we once figured that between us we had maybe five minutes of total baby care experience and it would be beneficial to our firstborn if we at least had some idea as to what we were doing.

I think that it shouldn't be forced, but encouraged and made available. Back in 1990, I really had to look hard for the class and thankfully, one was offered in babycare by our local chapter of the Red Cross.

Did it make us better parents? I wish we had taped that first bath when we basically followed what was in the handout on how to give a baby a bath. It was hysterical. But she is now almost 19, in college and doing fabulously and her younger sister hasn't turned out that bad either.
Gosh, alot of people have been asking this lately.

Anyways, no. I think teens should but not adults who have been in the real world, some tequniques work for some people and others dont, parenting inst somthing you wake up knowing how to do, it comes usually out of instinct and is something God teaches you along the way. I understand though, that there are parents who dont deserve to be paernts.
Maybe not forced, but it should be encouraged. Especially if the parents have little experience. It could help the nation lean towards raising better children. Although, if it is forced, and the service requires money, of coarse there are going to be issues as far as if they could afford it or not.
YES!!!! They should also be forced to get a license in order to have children. Some couples should NEVER have children, and subsequently shouldn't be provided with a license. I don't know how to determine who should get a license and who shouldn't, but some people should definitely NOT have children. If people need to get a license to have a dog, they should definitely need a license to have children.
I think i am a very good mother and shouldnt be forced to take any classes. If people were to do something wrong or abuse there child then i think they should take the classes. Some people do really great with there children.
Yes. At my high school we had to take Adult Living and the majority of the class was devoted to parenting. Although, I really think that the best parenting comes from instinct rather than books...That should be taught too.
i mean i think it would help for those in need, but for the mature first time parents out there that know what they are they should not be forced!
YES!!! I fully believe that all first time parents should have to take parenting calsses I do not care how old you are, married or not.
i think it should be a mandatory class in high school. there needs to be more life skill class that are mandatory.
How about making it a required course in high school instead.
i think it should be required for high school

for girls AND boys
Alot of them should ..I teach them at SUNY..sign up

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